22 April 2008

Days Go By

Last night, Andy and I watched some of the old family videos he made a few years ago. It is amazing to me how much the kids have grown and changed in the past 4 years since he did this last. Not just my own sons, but my nieces and nephews as well. It makes me wonder, "where has the time gone?"

By this fall 9 of our nieces and nephews will either be in college or have graduated from college. My nephew, Joe is getting married next year. He was the first nephew I babysat for. I changed his diapers (sorry, Joe!), and in the next few years, he may be doing that for his own child. My mom used to say that she still felt like she was 18 when she was in her 40's and 50's, and that she would look in the mirror and say, "Who is that woman?" I didn't get it then, but I do get it now. As a result, I am trying to take the time to stop and enjoy where I am NOW, not where I was or where I will be. In the immortal words of Ferris Bueller, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

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