29 July 2009

33 weeks

Well, I am 33 weeks tomorrow. I saw my OB today, and all looks good! Baby is head down right now-although her body is more off to one side. He didn't seem concerned about her being in the right place by the time she comes. I go back in 2 weeks, on August 13th, when he will check me for the first time, If I am showing progress, then I will switch to weekly appointments. No progress, I will get another 2 week reprieve. I have a feeling that I will be switching to weekly. It all seems so close now...


Anonymous said...

That's great! I am so excited for the baby to be born!

Anonymous said...

I am so truly happy for you. Thanks for your comments. It is so nice to know that I am not alone. It is starting to get so real for you!! Any day now!! :)

Shawna said...

It IS close! I can't wait to see your little girl!

Holli said...

That's wonderful :) I'm glad its all going well...can't wait to see pics of her!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that everything is going so well for you, and I am looking forward to seeing the pictures of your new bub. ☺

Sarah - Kala said...

Ach, don't rush it, dearie! I'm sure you'll be doing fine if the she comes nearer the 40 week mark, yeah? I can "feel" your intense joy about the coming of your baby! how exciting and I bet your boys are just as interested and excited! I can see them all bending over backward to do things for you/her!!

I hope to get your PIF to you before she comes along . . . I better get crackin'! I'm reading a delightful little book called "Confessions of a Jane Austin Addict" and it's really a fun book. I'll review it later, but it makes me want to run over to buy the leather bound books at Barnes and Noble - it's a one volume deal for under $20 I think. SO lovely. I think I may go buy it on payday. Hmmmmmm.

Frizzy said...

I can only imagine how ready you are. Ready to officially meet your baby and officially ready to be done with pregnancy and on to a new phase. Praying all continues to go well.

Gramma 2 Many said...

Waiting!!!! Wish I could be there to help you. Hope you have some family close by to come in and get the boys taken care of for a few days.