23 April 2010


Michael was drawing pictures yesterday. He drew 4 faces-2 were smiling and 2 were frowning. I pointed to the smiling ones and asked who they were. Michael responded, "Peter and Drew." Pointing to the frownies, I asked about those. His response, "you and Daddy." Guess we need to work on some cheerfulness around here!


gramma2many said...

Looks that way. They are so unable to sugar coat their feelings.

Jamie Jo said...

Oh, my gosh, that made me laugh outloud!!

Thanks for the honest laugh this morning!

Just know, Therese, we all need to work on that one, we all do!!

Holli said...

That made me laugh! "Out of the mouths of babes...."

Nancy said...

LOL....isn't it wonderful how they don't miss a thing! You need to save that drawing!

Gardenia said...

oops. my daughter drew a pic of me the other day, and I wasn't smiling either! :)

Sarah Oldham said...

Ha ha ha!
Well, they certainly don't mince words when their teenagers! I'd take the drawing any day!!!